

Fur Coats: Keeping Pets Warm in the Winter

Winter has finally arrived in Austin! While our city is better known for its dangerously hot summers, cold weather can also be a problem for dogs and cats. If it’s too cold for you to spend much time outside, it’s too cold for your pet! We’ve put together some helpful [...]

ZippiTips: Keys To Effective Litter Box Training

It would probably take all day (and night) to list the many reasons why we love cats, and we’d be hard-pressed to pick just one favorite trait. Is it their love of all boxes? Their rumbly purr and cuddliness? One of our favorites is their ability – or, skillful, discerning [...]

Recognizing Pet Suffering and When to Say Goodbye

At some point, every pet begins the necessary journey toward end of life. For most pet owners, we have watched our beloved companion grow from precocious youngster into golden-years snuggler. Because of our love for our furry friend, we may want to hold on, despite signs of growing weakness or [...]

Cat Proofing Your Home, Meow

Owning a cat is, well, the cat’s meow. Purrs, head butts, snuggles, and crazy cat antics are among the best parts of cat ownership. What’s not-so-great, however, is the furniture scratching, cord chewing, jumping up on the counter, and pooping outside of the litter box. So what’s a cat owner [...]

As Simple As That: Using Social Media To Find A Lost Pet

From sharing recipes and craft projects, to reuniting relatives after a natural disaster, the power of social media is undeniable. But you can also employ social media to find a lost pet and bring him or her home faster. Computers, tablets, and mobile devices have truly revolutionized our abilities to [...]

Back To School: Navigating Loneliness And Keeping Pets Safe

In many households, the end of the school year means the beginning of a fun summer for your kids and your pets alike. The kids are thrilled to be out of school, and the pets are thrilled to have their old playmate(s) back. But all good things must come to [...]

Why Does My Cat…? Strange Cat Behaviors Explained

Any feline fanatic will tell you that cats are beautiful, majestic, mysterious, and incredible. They will also probably confide in you that sometimes cats can be downright strange. Have you ever wondered why your cat does certain things? Read on to learn about strange cat behaviors and what we know [...]

Five Easy Steps to Prepare for Your Pet Wellness Exam

At ZippiVet, we are committed to keeping your pet happy and healthy, and in order to reach that goal we need your help. In addition to the healthy activities, meals, and preventive measures you already practice on your pet's behalf, twice yearly pet wellness exams are one of the best [...]

Roadtrippin’: Pet Travel Tips and Safety

Traveling with your pet can be a lot of fun, and with a healthy dose of thoughtful preparation, your pet will remain relaxed, happy, and safe while you’re both away. Destination, mode of transportation, and pet-friendly activities will greatly influence your agenda--and we are here to help. To make the [...]

The Heat Is On: Time To Protect Your Pet From Heat-Related Problems

Although Austin's not quite as humid as, say, Houston, our lovely city still experiences toasty temperatures throughout the summer. The days can stretch endlessly towards September, with no real break from the sunny, hot days that often reach 100-degrees, or higher. While it’s endearing to imagine your furry friend sporting [...]